Monday, October 15, 2012

Bass Guitar

I just bought a bass guitar and I love it so far. I believe people misjudge the bass guitar as boring or  to easy to play and im going to give you a few reasons why if your even interested in playing to give the bass a chance.  My first reason would be if you like a little more jazzy sound to your music or I guess if you kind of like dub step I don’t but I can see how you could like both. Anyways  my next reason is that  the 4 string bass guitar would be easier because there would be less strings but that only makes it a little bit easier and also they got five and six string basses. One bad thing is that you don’t get the rhythm or tone of the song which kind of sucks but it does make you different from everybody else in a band.

Now it sounds like a lot of bad things  but still you should give it a try and also get one used because used gear isn’t bad at all and it’s much cheaper especially if your just starting out.

1 comment:

  1. Nice reasons, but I'll stick with the Piano and Triangle :)
