Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Scorpion King

I recently watched another old favorite of mine Scorpion King. I’m talking the first one not the second or the third because they blasted away on a crap level and deviated away from the storyline a lot. Anyways the first one had the Rock in it and what was really interesting is that he is a good actor because a lot of famous people who try and go from one profession to acting usually suck. Now he being in the movie didn't take away from it having a great story plot. It's story had a great major theme which isn't known in the very beginning but is explained very well later on unlike some movies were you kind of have to guess what period of time it is or who the villain of the story is.

The action in the movie was great but I’ve always liked swords and arrow bows action movies which could blind my judgment on it a little bit but friends of mine say they liked the action and there not movie people like me. When I watch this movie I wonder if assassin’s creed games took some things from it but I don't know exactly when the first one came out. Another thing that makes this movie great is the fact that it was made from the creators of The Mummy, newish one not the black and white one, which is an awesome movie so if you liked it you like this to. It’s got the same little supernatural combined with action, vicious bugs and people with red hat scarf things on there head.


This movie is a great movie to anybody who likes a movie that isn’t very slow paced but still has an understandable story. There is also some half nude people but its only pg-13 so it’s not that bad especially if you’re a guy. Anyways if you’ve never seen the scorpion king or have seen him in his scorpion form in the second Mummy you should really give it a try.


Monday, October 22, 2012


I've always loved Halloween as a kid growing up. It was my second favorite holiday besides Christmas. I always loved to dress up as a character and go around being like them which still makes want to do it nowadays but people kind of put an age limit on it which really sucks for me because I’m 18. I could try and get away with it because I’m short but it kind of takes away its magic from it. Some of my friends want to go also which makes me want to go because I would get to dress up again but I can’t really spend any money right now and I’m not one of those people who are very creative and good at making their own costume.


I hear people say sometimes that they weren’t or aren’t allowed to go trick ‘r’ treating because their parents say it’s the devils holiday. I never understood why that was and I don’t believe there’s a religion says that Oct. 31 is the devils day. Also I’ve heard people say that they weren’t allowed because it was too dangerous you could get kidnapped which you could get kidnapped anywhere at any time. In my opinion the parents must have had a bad experience at Halloween which is why they don’t want their kids to go. I believe Halloween is just a fun holiday to be able to dress up and walk around freely and also get free candy.


Pink Floyd

Over the weekend I decided to listen to my Pink Floyd dark side of the moon cd that i had never listened to before. The only Pink Floyd song I had ever heard before was another brick in the wall which a lot of people probably have heard before. So when I started listening to it I thought it wasn’t working or the volume had been turned off because the beginning was silent. I eventually realized that’s how it was supposed to be but the rest of the music was weird. There was a lady who would yell every 5 seconds and also the sound of coins dropping which I could see that could go with the song Money but it wasn’t the only song with that sound. Now I heard that pink Floyd had made a lot of music that only made since if you were high which I could see it if that was true or not.

Now when the lead singer was actually singing it was pretty good actually which for some reason surprised me which it shouldn’t have because I’d heard the song another brick in the wall. Pink Floyd is a well-known band but I don’t ever hear anybody talking about their songs. It is not really the band for me but other may like it .

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bass Guitar

I just bought a bass guitar and I love it so far. I believe people misjudge the bass guitar as boring or  to easy to play and im going to give you a few reasons why if your even interested in playing to give the bass a chance.  My first reason would be if you like a little more jazzy sound to your music or I guess if you kind of like dub step I don’t but I can see how you could like both. Anyways  my next reason is that  the 4 string bass guitar would be easier because there would be less strings but that only makes it a little bit easier and also they got five and six string basses. One bad thing is that you don’t get the rhythm or tone of the song which kind of sucks but it does make you different from everybody else in a band.

Now it sounds like a lot of bad things  but still you should give it a try and also get one used because used gear isn’t bad at all and it’s much cheaper especially if your just starting out.


I've got a feeling that I get once in a great while which is the feeling of longing. Now this might sound very stupid to some people but this to me is a very bad feeling because am a guy whose body always wants to do something. This weekend I had a relative visit who lived in Arizona and I wanted spend as much time with him as I could but my friends wanted to hang out also. So I longed to do both and went to hang out with my friends but when I was with them I felt a tingle of guilt for not spending that time with my relative.

Now to some people this might sound very silly because my body is always wanting to do everything possible which can be irritating because at the end of a great vacation my body is in motion longing for more of the fun. That is one reason that i came up with this to explain  the feeling I get but it could also be that I just long to spend more time with people who make me happy. I sometimes think that i hang out with people to much because i feel bored and secluded at my house and that could be another reason why i believe that my longing is a little bit stronger than everybody elses.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I just like everybody else dislike school. I can see the importance of it but when you’re a senior and you’ve been in school for 12 years you can feel the impatience and frustration. I feel that 12 years might be a little too much because there only teaching us tiny bits of new information every year. Also the amount of pressure put down on you when you’re in school is almost unbearable because your parents, teachers and etc. all forgot about their days in school and think it should be a piece of cake but since the government has been making schools raise up there education were learning things that used to be taught in colleagues.

You don’t have a lot of free time which a lot of people don’t but you need a break from it or you start to forget to do homework and do bad on test (which I’ve never done very good test) which affects your grade which if you’re like me you get in trouble with your parents who seem to always be watching you r grades for low grades. Another thing is that at my school you need to earn enough credits to graduate and that to puts a lot of pressure on a person.

The last thing about school that bothers me is the fact that there are kids out there that like school and hardly have to work to get a good grade when people like me force ourselves to get out of bed, cram our brains full of things and study our butts off to only get low scores and feel like crap. Well that’s the small reasons why I dislike most of our current school system now and wish that it would change.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kum 'n' Go

I am going to talk about these giant gas stations that have been popping up everywhere and have a very unique name to them. When you first here of Kum ‘n’ Go you think of just another small time gas station with a simple name until you go there see things like how the stations name is spelled or the size of it. Most of the Go’s I’ve been to our huge with enough gas tanks to fill a hundred cars. You walk inside and you get an even bigger surprise. My first impression when I walked in was huge and clean. One of the greatest things about Go is that they sell the best icee’s which they call kolees because icee’s are a trademark company so they can’t use the name.

The flavors are special because you don’t usually get icee’s that are Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew flavored for a good price to. They also surprisingly sell movies and video games well actually just one video game Madden something. The movies are pretty diverse from one another going from old to just came out to dvd. They of course got pizza, doughnuts ( I think if never actually checked for them because I don’t eat a lot of doughnuts), weird cheese curd balls and etc. My personal favorite thing in the whole store thought is there Kum “n” Go products. Yes I know this might sound stupid but I thought it was cool so I bought a Kum ‘n ‘ Go shirt, jacket and blanket which is only a few things they got like flasks, bottles, lighters and etc. I also got a free newspaper in there but I never read it and used it as wrapping paper for a friend’s gift.

The service there is great and I’ve never met someone who works there who was rude. Now you got to wonder though what they were thinking when they were making the name for it and what’s even worse is the fact that there motto is we go all out which I’d rather not get to far into a discussion on it because some people might not want to hear how Kum is pretty close to cum. Anyways if you’ve never been to a Kum ‘N’ Go you should try it out you might have an interesting experience  going there and maybe buy some of their merchandise either as a joke or if you really need clothes badly.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Creature from the black lagoon

Recently I watched an old classic that a friend of mine suggested called Creature from the Black Lagoon. Now from the cover it looked really cheesy and stupid but within the first few minutes I was hooked on it. I'm big into monster movies like Godzilla were it's a guy in a costume. Anyways this movie had a bunch of things that made it good. One thing was that scenery was amazing. The shots for that time period were amazingly good and most of my favorite scenes were the underwater fight scenes which were very well. Also the scenery above the water the rain forest scenes were good to but I still prefer the underwater scenes.

Another thing that is amazing is that when i heard that there were two people who switched turns in the costume because one was a great swimmer who had to hold his breathe for six minutes and the other one had to be strong enough to carry people around. another thing that was great was the acting which wasn't bad like some movies except for the women in it always constantly screaming when she sees the monsters and the fact that it is a high pitched scream to makes it all the worse.This had a pretty original idea for that time period and deserves it's rightful place with the universal monsters.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Getting suspended from work

I just recently found out that I got suspended from work for two weeks. Now I was pretty pissed off to hear this and wanted to know why so when I found out that it was because  of my being sick I got confused and more angry.  See I’m a high school student so i don't really need a bazillion hours. It's just nice to get a few hours but they give a lot and when your trying to pass your senior year of high school this becomes a challenge. I forgot to mention that i work at McDonalds which gets a bad reputation a lot of the time but one thing about McDonalds that's good is the fact that it is one of the easiest places to get a job because there basically always hiring because people quiet over stupid things like my suspenison that i got.

Now it might sound like i'm just blabbing on but i do have a point even though it's a hard one to understand and that is that you should get a diploma because fast food restaurants are hell to work at because you always got customers that think your job should be really to do and don't understand how easy it is to make mistakes espiecally when the mistakes are usually the customers fault anyways. Your bosses also make you do something ever second so if they catch for just a second you'll get your ass chewed out into little bits and i'm not lying because words hurt to. Thats all i gotta really bitch about and you diffently want to go to college and at least get an interseting job.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


I was thinking lately that there is a lot of garbage being thrown on the ground instead of in a trash can where it belongs. Now this makes me angry because besides the fact that it kills animals which there dead bodies aren’t been used for food for other animals which is a waste but the fact that it makes America’s stereotype for being trashy seem truer. Also the fact that most of the trash is wrappers from fast food places doesn’t help much either. The water in a lot of are rivers seem dirty to because of pollution which sucks because if we need to do a Jackie Chan escape and jump in a river the chance that it’s full of shit is pretty high.

I sometimes hear how there is high air pollution in some places which I think living in a place where it might be stinky and little bit harder to breathe. These pollutions have a lot to do with garbage because garbage plays a key roll in a lot of environmental issues. I just wish that people would throw there trash away properly  instead of making the world a dump.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Ever since I watched and played Pokémon when I was young I thought it would be pretty cool if Pokémon were real. The show made it look like a world of peace and hardly any frustration because all of the schools seemed to teach one subject Pokémon and of course they can start there adventure at 11 which means there must not be much crime in that world if their parents don’t care. Anyways all the jobs involve Pokémon which means a lot of the work can be done with your fellow Pokémon which means no ulcers or heatstroke or pointless injuries. I always wanted to be a Pokémon breeder like brock because you don’t have worry about winning and losing gym battles.


Of course unlike the show if we get burned or fall of a cliff we don’t just get right back up we could die. The subject of not being able to control the Pokémon has come to my mind also because we don’t want to have to shoot a wild charizard because it’s gone insane. It be pretty chaotic but anyway you also got organizations like team rocket who trying to steal your Pokémon or create another Mewto on us. One thing I’ve also noticed is how they like hide the most important thing there poop. If you’re just walking down the road to your Pokémon song with your red hat on and you come across a big pile of snorlax poop in the middle of the road.


You can’t really go through unless you’re stupid in which if that’s the case go right ahead because we will be laughing .Anyway what I was saying was that you’d have to go into the forest to get around which in the show it seems to always be filled with a bunch of pissed of Pokémon that are nearly always poisonous which makes it all the better. Oh and that reminds me that every time I watch the show I wonder are the Pokémon really happy living like gladiators and only getting food that looks like rabbit poop? I just don’t see Pokémon loving to fight so much like there saiyans or something.


Well that’s all I really got to say about the subject which I basically said a bunch of crap no one’s going to care about because I really doubt anyone’s going to read this blog anyways but if you are than thank you. This is Song Lee over and out.



Sunday, September 23, 2012

Resident Evil Retribution

I just recently watched Resident Evil Retribution in the theater. I’m going to tell you the parts I liked and didn’t like so it may be a spoiler to those who haven’t seen it yet . When I was on my way to the movie I had a feeling that this movie might be kind of like the others were they don’t follow the game’s plot exactly  and kind of just make up characters. This movie surprised me because it of course did what all the other ones did but  it added things to it that I thought made it special and different from the others.  One thing I thought mad e it special was that at the being during the credits they had an action scene going in reverse which is not only different from any Resident Evil movie I’ve ever seen but any movie I’ve ever seen. It was cool and after the reverse got done it replayed the scene in normal time which made it cool to see the difference.

I also forgot to mention that I saw the movie in 3d which I didn’t plan to see it 3d but the ticket sales person misheard  us( my bud and I) which sucked also because we ended up paying more for it than we planned. But anyways it was good in 3d which was impressive because lot’s of movie can’t pull that off. Well I was happy that Alice didn’t have any special powers in this one because I always thought  that it stole the scene from the Umbrella Corp.  zombies and cool weapons that  could be used to fight them . Even though she technically has no powers she still seems to be better than any other human in the whole movie with her fighting, shooting and everything else. But that seems to be the case of the hero in a lot of action movies so I guess it shouldn’t bother me as much as it does .

Another reason that this one was better was for the difference in zombies. Yes in the other ones there were a couple of different ones but not as much as there were in this one. There was a new species of licker, zombies that use guns and there were others to. I was told this was going to be the last one because all the original characters come back even the dead ones  from all the movies. We even get a new character in the movie version Leon (a least I hope he wasn’t in the other ones or I’d feel pretty stupid). Another thing about this one was that it mostly took place inside were the others mostly took place outside except perhaps the first movie.

Well that’s all I’m going to say for now because I don’t want to give away the whole movie even though I gave out a huge chunk of info. If you’re a fan or have played the games then you will probably really likes this one. If you know nothing  about Resident Evil then this movie will be very confusing for you and  I’d also wonder why you start with this movie instead of watching first one but I’m getting off  track and I also recommend watching it in 3d.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

small talk about knights

I’ve been thinking lately that the world be better off if we lived like we did in the time of the knights. There was a lot more honor at that time then we do now. People would actually pay there taxes instead of avoiding them like some people do nowadays of course they were made to or killed but it was a way of keeping order. Also never in history has a king stayed in power that was cruel to the people because the people would over throw him or her. Also there honor prevented most of them from stabbing people in there sleep or in the back. They fought with their abilities to wield a sword instead of just shooting at some one.

The conditions they lived in weren’t very great and you could die of disease easily but  it kept the population in check so that there was enough food to go around.


I just had my 18th birthday and I’m starting to get that feeling that birthdays aren’t as important as they were when I was young. I remember when my birthdays were all themed and I always got a bunch of toys and hardly ever getting a gift card or money. Now all I basically get is money and gift cards which doesn’t give it that thoughtfully thought out present  presence anymore. Of course there’s  the family get together still and the cake hasn’t changed other the years but the birthday parties with friends defiantly. Well tha’s about all I have to say about my birthdays now.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I recently decided to watch an old favorite movie of mine Scarface. I’m not talking about the original Scarface from 1931, no the Scarface I’m going to talk about is the one with Al Pacino in it and tell my favorite parts and why I like them. The movie starts off with some actual footage mixed with a little bit of movie made scenes that help explain his coming to America. So it helps you actually know what’s going on instead of how some movies just throw you into a bunghole of confusion. When there in little Havana you see first glimpse at Tony Montana violent nature when he stabs the guy with the briefcase in order to get out of there. This is a very cool scene also because all hell’s broken loose in little Havana and right before they stab the guy with the briefcase there chanting something which gives it a nice affect.

My next favorite scene would have to be when Tony gets his first job for a Cocaine deal with some Columbians. Now when the Columbians were mentioned Tony got all pissed off which meant that he most have a beef with them which is cool because it gives him more of a human feel to it because everybody’s got something they hate. Anyways as Tony is making the deal it goes sour because the Columbians tricked them and Manny doesn’t see because his messing with some girl. Well the guy who was with Tony got chopped up with a chainsaw which you don’t get to see a lot of it unless you get the unrated version . Manny does come in eventually and save the day which comes favorite, favorite scene where Tony goes out excutes the guy in the middle of the street. This scene does good job of showing that when your watching you realize the blood has just started.

Now i'm going to jump around the story to different scenes that won't be in the right order which comes to my third favorite scene where Tony and Manny are in the car and you saw the globe that says The World is Yours and Tony says to Manny that the world is his and everything in it which is just a very cool statement from a cool character. Also what makes this scene cool is that there car has zebra stripes on the fabric which is awesome because you don't see a lot of cars with zebra stripes in it.The next scene in my list is where he sees his sister dancing with a guy who's rubbing her ass and then takes her to the bathroom. It was a scene that showed his very strong feelings of family especially his sister. A later scene where he kills Manny because he got married to his sister explains in great deal that you don't miss with his sister.

Another scene that i liked was where he was ordered to kill a guy who was going to go on air about drug dealers. At the beginning of this scene you believe he will do it just like any other job his been ordered until a woman and children come out and into the car. Right away you feel pride in Tony as he keeps saying don't do it no woman no children. The part of this scene is where Tony justs says fuck that and pulls out his gun and kills the assasin guy before he blow up the car with th woman and children in it. The last scene i'm going to talk about is the biggest scene in the movie. When Tony gets back to his house from killing Manny and with his sister you know that it's almost over and your just waiting to see how they could possible end this great movie.

Well it starts with Tony getting high on cocaine over the death of his best friend while everybody outside is getting killed by Alejandro Sosa men. Then Tonys sister comes in and tries to kill him in which you feel bad for both of them. After his sister was killed you could feel Tony's druged out enraged mind and then where he does his famous qoute "Say hello to my little friend". The end was great were feel in front of the giant globe but i didn't like how he was killed from behind. This our some of my favorite scenes from this amazing movie.


Sunday, September 9, 2012


 I decided this weekend to go back and watch the 1998 American Godzilla that everybody seems to hate. I myself am pretty medium level Godzilla fan and I’ve seen a lot of them but probably not every single one. This one was also the first Godzilla movie that was not made by TOHO. Well this one starts off with the whole how Godzilla came to be which followed the Japan’s versions pretty well with the radiation from hydrogen bombs created Godzilla. This was also special because Godzilla was computer generated the whole time and usually it was some guy in a costume.

One major thing that made Godzilla fans angry was probably  the fact that they tried to make a Godzilla movie that’s realistic which you can’t really do without taking out some of Godzilla’s trademark characteristics. The big characteristic they took out was the atomic breath and made him have a huge sound blasting roar which doesn’t really work and next big one was how the original Godzilla’s slow walk that he stands while doing but in this movie he’s kind of hunched over, fast and looks like a giant T-Rex. Godzilla has a bunch of babies in this one which to me it didn’t really matter cause it helped the story plot except for that the babies all look like velociraptors because of there numbers and there cornering technique’s they use. The scenes where there running away from the babies reminds of distinct scenes from Jurassic Park.

One small thing that really doesn’t matter that much but I’ll mention it anyways is the fact that Godzilla eats fish when in the Japanese version they never told us so I thought it was an interesting thing to put into the movie. Another major thing that’s also a major spoiler to anyone who hasn’t seen the movie is when Godzilla dies at the end. Now in the original the army tries everything to kill Godzilla but nothing works but in this movie it only takes about 6 missiles and it’s dead when he’s supposed to be this big indestructible thing that can’t be killed. The Japanese didn’t like it at all and called it zilla and had it appear in Godzilla: Final Wars(good movie by the way) were Godzilla appears and quickly blasts the shit out of zilla.

I’ve heard rumor lately that they might be going to give us (Americans) another shot at a Godzilla movie which I think would be very interesting and would be great because when this movie came out I was 4 and didn’t get to see it in theater so it be great to see the king of the monsters on the big screen. Overall I thought this movie had a very good story plot but things like some of the acting was bad and I think Matthew Broderick was really the only good actor there and how it’s not really Godzilla but a dinosaur.

Jackie Chan

I believe that Jackie Chan is one of the greatest Martial Artist of all time. There have been other great martial artist in time like Bruce Lee, Tony jaa and others but none one has ever brought as much humor or risk taking stunts as Jackie Chan has. Here are some of my reasons for my belief that he should get more recognition. One reason of mine is that has a great ability to combine comedy with Kung Fu which is a very difficult thing to do. His accidental Kung Fu was different to normal styles because of its amazing accidents that were mixed with kung fu especially in his later stuff.

My second reason is because of his risk taking stunts that could have proven very fatal to Jackie if it wasn't for his luck. He also didn't get out of each stunt hospital free and would always return once he was healed to start shooting the film again which is very admirable because of the courage and dedication to his work. He has also broke about every bone in his body at some point in time.Some of those stunts actually caused him permanent damage to his body a couple of them made it so he had trouble breathing when his running and another is some damage to his right ear.

My third reason and final reason is that his skills in Kung Fu are great and he knows a lot of great techniques like the Drunken Fist, snake in the eagles shadow and etc. A fact that few people know is that Jackie Chan is also a singer and his songs are in most of the movies he directs. These are some of my reasons why Jackie Chan showed be recognized as a great martial artists .

Monday, September 3, 2012


I am going to tell you my reasons on why E.T., in my opinion, should be considered more of a children’s horror movie than a family movie. When I first watched it I was pretty young and hadn’t seen a lot of movies with aliens in it. The first scene helps me explain my reason because they , at the beginning, never showed his face only his fingers which gave it an ominous scary feel to it. Then when the humans appear and the one E.T. abandons the other E.T.  and he gives out his screech of terror for the first time you just about jump out of your seat.

The next scary scene I am going to talk about is when Elliot is in the cornfield and meets E.T. When your watching Elliot going through the cornfield and you know that something’s  going to pop out at you and the suspense is building up and then you see him. Right when you first see him your scared  and surprised from all the suspense that had been build up and then he unleashes his terror scream and he gives a very creepy look that makes you think that if you where in Elliot’s shoes you would have peed your pants at the sight of E.T.. Another scene that comes a little after this one is when Elliot is outside sleeping and e.t. does a creepy walk towards Elliot. Whenever E.T.s head grew it was scary because only ever did it when he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

One of the last scenes where the people in astronaut suits barge in is creepy to because Elliot’s family were just heading outside when all of a sudden the astronaut come out of windows and back doors like some kind invasion is taking place. A little bit before this scene when E.T.s on the bathroom floor with sickly white, skin makes me imagine if I just walked into my bathroom and there was alien on the ground with my kids surrounding it I would freak out just like Elliot’s mom did.

This are the reasons to support my opinion  that E.T. would be a scary children’s movie although  it probably wouldn’t be very scary to older people but to me as a kid I thought this was very scary movie. Even though Steven Spielberg tried his best to make seem friendly it still gave off a scary and creepy feeling to kids


One big question the world has been asking for a long time is are there aliens out there. Maybe have tried to answer this question like the meaning of life question. Many conspirators out there have giving out there ideas like there already here and walking among us or that the government has them locked up in some super secretive place. Some people also have said that aliens have played a huge part  through history like Stonehenge, pyramids and assassinations  of famous people like John F. Kennedy. In my opinion there are aliens out there in the galaxy that just haven’t found us yet.

The galaxy has proven by ,astronomer/scientist guys, humongous  and that there is a very high chance that there is intelligent life out there. Also they could breath in the same stuff we do because there is also an high chance that there is another planet out there that has the same atmosphere as ours. I believe that if aliens did choose to come Earth there would be just about no reason to come and help teach each other or help advance our technology. They would come to take over, get our oxygen/h2o or to find a new home because there’s was destroyed or something.

I don’t believe they could be walking among us right now. I believe it would be just about impossible to hide there identity because they would have to have had a way to get to Earth without setting off any sensors the government may have put up in case. Also they would probably have live out on a farm, which would mean they would have had to know how to farm, because the cities would make it to easy for there cover to be blown. Of course some would say they have some kind of mind erasing device like in Men In Black which could be true but it makes me feel better to think it’s not.

Strangely enough though I do believe that aliens did come and help us out in the past. Strange structures like Stonehenge and the great pyramids were put up before we had anything that could hold five hundred pound bricks while at the same time putting them in rows or a certain design. I believe Stonehenge could have been a way to get ahold of the aliens along time ago.

Well that’s a few of my reasons why I believe that aliens are out there somewhere off in a far distant galaxy and that they do exist and that they might have come at some point in our past and helped build things like Stonehenge and the pyramids.

About Me Essay

I am a student writing a blog for my language arts class at my school. I have no prior knowledge of  blogging  and I am a boy. I am 18 and a little chubby and hang out with the medium level dorks who come in handy a lot. I am a lover of movies especially horror movies. I like to play video games but I am very bad at them because I am better at the classic Atari and arcade systems. I am a huge Jackie Chan fan and like a lot of different types of music. I also live in America.